How to Optimize Product Pages for a Better Conversion Rate

E-commerce websites have shot to the top of search platforms across the globe and there is no wonder why. The unparalleled convenience provided by these platforms not only allows users to save precious time but puts a wide array of products right at their fingertips. Even though the eCommerce game has traditionally been dominated by regional giants such as Amazon and AliBaba, a growing number of small businesses are using this avenue to promote and sell their products to an international market and this is precisely where the fundamental role of your product page comes into play.

In spite of the significance of this page, it is rather unfortunate to witness how generic designs and options have become the norm. This often leads to cart abandonment which is a pressing problem for eCommerce gurus that are trying to crack the code for addressing it.

Thankfully, to drive conversion rates and combat cart abandonment, you can follow a number of tips and tricks to optimize your product page.

Pictures Speak a Thousand Words

You must have clicked on this tutorial to optimize product pages to discover the secrets to boost conversions. However, the bottom-line here is that there are no secrets. In fact, you would be surprised to hear how simple changes can do wonders for a product page and a shining example of this is product photography.

photographer in action

Using HD images or taking those immaculate DSLR shots from a pricey camera are not enough to make your products stand out. Users should feel connected with a product the moment they lay their eyes on it. The best way to achieve this vision is to show how a product can be used.

Have a watch to sell? Do not simply put it inside a luxurious leather case; show how stunning it looks on a hand model. Have a dress to blow away the customers? Let a model showcase its beauty! Humans are visual creatures and the power of imagery in digital markets is simply unparalleled.

Take It Up a Notch

In a content driven digital market, businesses are always on the hunt to devise the best ways to get their message across. Did you know 67% of online shoppers search for product at least once when they are on a website? This statistic indicates how significant videos can be to help customers make a final purchase decision. This essentially means that having a product video on your page can make or break a sale.

Another important aspect of product videos is that they lend confidence to buyers in their purchase. For example, when a prospective client views a model displaying the dress from different angles, they can envision how the product would look, which ultimately drives their buying decision. Short and focused product videos embedded within the page are an ideal fit to meet your goals.

Build a Relationship of Trust

What’s the worst fear of customers when shopping online? Being fooled…

The Internet is flooded with accounts of online shopping experiences gone wrong which put off many hesitant users to explore new eCommerce websites. Thankfully, there are many ways to establish an association of trust with your customers as soon as they end up on the product page.

The first step to achieve this goal is to let them know the answers to most frequently asked questions. Rather than expecting your customers to navigate to separate shipping, payment, and FAQ pages, mention this information briefly on the product page itself.

The next step in building a relationship of trust is to incorporate live chat solutions within your website. Do not expect a customer to wait ‘1-3 business days’ to receive a response to a simple inquiry. If you expect a customer will wait that long, you are in for some disappointment. The best way to counter this problem is use a framework that allows such customer inquiries to be resolved within minutes.

live chat

Live chat solutions not only fulfill this goal but also help customers feel comfortable as they can have their confusions about a product cleared in real-time rather than keeping track of an email response from customer support.

Explore the Beauty of Words

Words can transport customers into another dimension or even evoke feelings from a time gone by. Whether they are looking for something personal or a gift for a loved one, for some customers, shopping experiences are about striking a connection. While you may believe that the use of flashy descriptions can do the trick here, try to craft a short story or narrative for each product which explains its origins and the mastery behind it.

Is your product page featuring a vintage clock that has a glorious history behind it? Then tell it to the world! Unless the product is high-tech or requires the mention of extensive technical knowledge, it is best to adopt this technique to enhance the intrinsic value of what you’re selling. Wordy descriptions that are filled with jargon and buzzwords do not leave a lasting impact. To make customers go ‘this is it’ you need to integrate the oldest trick in the copywriting manual – make it emotional.


There is a catch here too. Not everyone is looking to buy a birthday gift or an item to proclaim their love for a partner. Some, well most of us, need products because they make our lives easier or because they add value to it. In such cases, trying to strike an emotional connection with a customer could actually backfire. So what kind of product description works best in such cases? To sum it up, communicate to your customer how the product can help them achieve a goal.

Instead of highlighting product features, inform the customer what a product can do for them. The technical data, while important is intended to go elsewhere; the specifications and features box within the product description tab. However, for compelling product copy, you must establish a unique selling point for the product then firmly stand by it.

Sometimes…Basic is Best

While the importance of copywriting for your product page is well-established, there are certain elements of a product page where simplicity can actually work in your favor. This part of the product page is none other than the call-to-action.

Think about it, what is the ultimate goal you intend to achieve when a visitor lands on the page? To make a sale! Confusing or complex CTAs are not the way to make sure this happens. If you want a prospective customer to add the product into their cart then mention it! If you want them to hit submit on a form then show them a button which says…yes, you guessed it, submit.

Let Them Know What Others Are Thinking

What is the most powerful tool in the arsenal of a marketer? Forget anything else, it is word of mouth. Making claims about the greatness of a product is not enough, to lend credibility to your product page, be sure to add a review option where prospective customers can read what verified buyers of the product have to say.

Gaining customer confidence is difficult and losing it is extremely easy. If your product page openly shares the experiences that other buyers have had with the item, then customers are much more likely to make a purchase from you because they have the word of others. Effective feedback pages provide customers with the option to rate sellers and add ‘real’ images of the products that they have received.

Know The Customer

There are countless guidelines on how to optimize product pages across the Internet. However, it is important to remember that you need to pick and choose what could work for you. Having an extensive understanding about customer preferences, psyche and expectations is pivotal to achieve success.

An example of this is the market for cruelty free makeup. Customers that are seeking to explore cosmetics within this segment prioritize ethical business practices over how shiny a highlighter is. An ideal product page in such cases would highlight the ingredients of a product, details about the source and suppliers and any cruelty-free certifications which the brand holds. These attributes should come across as the first thing which a prospective customer sees.

Another case in point here is that of vegan foods and green lifestyle products. Before describing how mouth-watering vegan ice-cream tastes, its best to define all ingredients in the product which are one-hundred percent compliant with a vegan lifestyle.

Your Stats Say It All

In this day and age, data is no less than a blessing which has granted companies of all sizes the ability to understand the underlying reasons behind poor sales performances. It is never too late to explore the statistics of your website and note the percentage of cart abandonment. If a product seems to be in the wishlist of thousands of customers and is barely cracking a few hundred sales, try to decipher why this is the case.

The greatest possibility behind this trend could be a lackluster product page which is simply not doing what it is meant to do. Remember there is no one answer to the question of ‘how to optimize product pages’, be patient when trying secure optimal results after adding a new feature and most importantly, diagnose the existing problem with your product page to accelerate your conversion rates.